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The Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has made official what it has been saying?quietly and has adopted?a new logo showing all of Israel as Palestine.
Abbas with map of ?Palestine? in background ? Israel news photo: Flash 90
The logo marks the 48th anniversary of the founding of Fatah by Yasser Arafat and includes a map with the PA flag and a map of Israel that appears to be a depiction of the black and white checkered kefiyah, a symbol of the violent intifada, and the slogan ?the state and victory.?
Palestine Media Watch (PMW)?revealed that the official PA daily published the new official logo.
For the past year, official PA documents have increasingly shown Palestine as covering all of Israel, but this is the first time the Fatah party has?placed the map on its logo.
PMW noted, ?Other symbols central to Fatah ideology also appear in the logo, including a rifle and a key symbolizing the Palestinian claim of ownership to houses within Israel.?
The Arab media watchdog translated and published the article announcing the new logo:
Embassy in Lima, Peru.
?Senior Fatah official in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Rabah, stressed that the movement this year will hold a big, central rally in the Gaza Strip on the day of the 48th anniversary of the beginning of the Palestinian revolution.
?Rabah explained to Ma?an that the event will be held considering the atmosphere of reconciliation and unity that has prevailed in the Palestinian arena in the last few?.
?The organizing committee for the 48th anniversary of the Fatah movement approved this year?s main anniversary logo? [The rally] will take place in Gaza to mark the 48th anniversary of the modern Palestinian revolution under the slogan ?the state and the victory.??
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) reacted to the new logo by urging ?President Barack Obama, the European Union and the United Nations to condemn this outrage which reiterates the clear fact that Abbas and the Fatah/PA have no interest in peace with Israel, only its destruction.?
ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, ?This new Fatah logo graphically depicts the ugly truth about this unreconstructed terrorist organization whose Constitution to this day calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 13) and the use of terrorism as an essential element in the struggle to achieve this aim (Article 19). ?It belies the fiction that Mahmoud Abbas is a ?moderate? who seeks peace with Israel, and who wishes to end Palestinian terrorism against Israeli Jews. It also makes clear that the principles of Yasser Arafat are respected and promoted.
?The new Fatah logo is not an aberration. The Palestinian Authority continues to promote the incitement of hatred in Palestinian mosques, schools and media.
?The ZOA renews its call upon the Obama Administration to stop wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on the unreformed terrorist entity that is Fatah, to stop making excuses for Abbas, and to stop pressuring Israel to make dangerous concessions on the altar of appeasement.?
View original Arutz Sheva publication at:
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast on Sunday he hopes to get new U.S. gun control measures passed during the first year of his second term and is skeptical of a proposal by the National Rifle Association (NRA) gun lobby to put armed guards in schools.
Obama assigned Vice President Joe Biden to lead a task force to come up with proposals on guns at the beginning of 2013 after the massacre of 20 children and six adults by a gunman at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, this month.
"I'd like to get it done in the first year. I will put forward a very specific proposal based on the recommendations that Joe Biden's task force is putting together as we speak. And so this is not something that I will be putting off," Obama told NBC's "Meet the Press" in an interview taped on Saturday.
"I am not going to prejudge the recommendations that are given to me. I am skeptical that the only answer is putting more guns in schools. And I think the vast majority of the American people are skeptical that that somehow is going to solve our problem," he said.
The influential NRA has said new gun laws are not a good answer and has called for some form of armed guards to be present in all U.S. schools.
Obama, who said the shooting was the worst day of his presidency, attended a memorial service for the Newtown victims and promised he would take swift action to prevent further massacres like that one from being repeated.
The president has faced criticism for failing to take on the gun lobby after other mass shootings that have occurred during his time in office. While bristling at the criticism, the president has indicated that this time something will get done.
"I'm going to be putting forward a package and I'm going to be putting my full weight behind it. And I'm going to be making an argument to the American people about why this is important and why we have to do everything we can to make sure that something like what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary does not happen again," he said in the interview.
"And the question then becomes whether we are actually shook up enough by what happened here that it does not just become another one of these routine episodes where it gets a lot of attention for a couple of weeks and then it drifts away. It certainly won't feel like that to me."
Gun control is a divisive issue in the United States, where the right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution, and the NRA has significant political sway.
Proponents of tighter gun laws hope that not having to run for re-election again will give Obama a strengthened hand, but any legislative measures would have to pass the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which has been reluctant to support initiatives proposed by the Democratic president.
(Editing by Sandra Maler)
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Our nation was gripped by so many fallacies and delusions in 2012, the whole Mayan calendar end-of-the-world thing didn't even make the list.
Apocalyptic prophecies were more plausible than the idea that cutting Social Security will help the deficit, that government spending cuts will jump-start the economy, there were no crimes on Wall Street, or that we live in a "divided nation" whose "center" wants more business as usual in Washington.
Here then, without further ado, are our Top 12 Political Fallacies for 2012.
1. Austerity works.
Last year we said austerity economics was dead. It is. Unfortunately nobody told the politicians. They're still trying to force it onto the people of Europe, even as its effects make the economies there progressively worse.
They're trying to force more of it on us, too. The Republicans want to decimate Social Security, Medicare, roads and highways, education, programs for the poor. The Democrats offer a more modest form of austerity, but austerity's exactly what the president last proposed to Congress.
If austerity's so good for us, why are they trying to terrify us with the a"fiscal cliff?" That Monster-In-the-Closet is nothing more or less than... austerity.
Obama will never run for office again. Most of the Democrats on the Hill will. Hope they don't forget it -- because we won't.
2. We need less government spending.
The flip side of this delusion is the notion that government spending is our problem. It's not. In fact, right now it's the solution.
We need more jobs to stimulate the economy. Without them, large segments of the population will continue to live in a prolonged state of deprivation unless government does something about it.
We need more better education and more advancement opportunities for our children. And our roads, bridges and schools are crumbling all around us.
Spending cuts aren't even the solution to the Federal deficit -- not in the short term. Government spending falls as a percentage of GDP when the whole economy grows -- and the way to make it grow is by priming the economic pump and building for the future, not with shortsighted spending cuts.
Know who's a real job creator? Someone with a job.
3. Social Security is in 'crisis' and we need to cut it.
No, and No.
Yes, Social Security has a projected long-term shortfall in its ability to pay benefits, starting in 2036 or so. But that projection's based on a lot of different assumptions -- including the assumption that we won't fix our wage stagnation problem, that we can't put a lot more people back to work, and that we lack the political will to lift the payroll tax cap to make up for the shortfall in revenue caused by the unexpected increased in six-, seven-, and eight-figure income as the result of growing wage inequity.
And anyone who says that retiring Baby Boomers are part of the problem is peddling snake oil. The last Boomer was born in 1964, and we fixed Social Security in 1983. At least, it was fixed until the top 1 percent -- and top 0.1 percent -- started hijacking our national income.
What's changed since 1983? We didn't produce more Boomers. In 1983 the youngest of them was already old enough to drive to the record store for the latest Huey Lewis and the News album.
What we HAVE produced is more wealth inequity.
4. Medicare benefits need to be cut, too.
Medicare has a serious long-term cost problem. But cutting benefits won't help -- whether it's done by raising the Medicare age, by limiting what it pays for, or imposing arbitrary caps on what it will spend.
If we do those things, overall health care costs will continue to rise. And we'll have sicker seniors, more seniors in poverty, and seniors who don't live as long.
Means-testing won't cut it, either. Scratch most means-testing proposals and you'll find they're not targeting "millionaires and billionaires" -- they're aimed at the middle class.
We already know how to handle "millionaires and billionaires" more fairly: Raise their taxes. That's simple, clean, efficient, and fair.
The only way to fix our Medicare cost problem is by fixing the impact of unrestrained greed on our health care system. We need to do something about that -- now.
We don't need to provide less. We need to pay less.
5. We're "living beyond our means."
More snake oil. By not paying their fair share, undertaxed corporationa and billionaires are living beyond our nation's means.
We have the means to be the country we've always been. What we've lacked is the political will to buck the moneyed forces who are dismantling a system that's worked for 75 years.
Ours is a country that won two world wars. We once led the world in economic growth and blazed the way in science, technology, and the arts. We decided to send human beings to the moon and back in ten years... and did it.
Now we're told it's "beyond our means" to live as well as we did in 1969. There's a word for that, but it's not printable.
6. Our problems aren't anybody's fault.
This fallacy might be called the "Sh*t Happens School of Economic Thinking." It says that the economy just crashes from time to time, recurrent and unavoidable disasters just like earthquakes.
But we avoided these crises for decades by regulating Wall Street and prosecuting crooked bankers. When we stopped doing those things we got another crisis.
Cause and effect.
7. Banks paid back what they owed us from the bailout.
Here's why this is a fallacy: First, we don't have a full accounting even now. Secondly, we're still responsible for the enormous amount of toxic risk which Wall Street created and the government then assumed on its behalf.
Besides, that's not how business works. Every major bank in this country was a failing business with intolerable risk exposure. Loans under those conditions are of enormous and inestimable value.
When you ask nothing in return -- not partial ownership, not a percentage of the profits, not even an end to their criminal behavior -- you're giving away the store. And when you give those loans to serial crooks and cheaters -- people who serially cheat you -- people, you've been had.
8. Wall Street-ers didn't commit any crimes -- or they're too hard to prosecute.
Which gets us to our next fallacy, or fallacies. There's overwhelming evidence, and a mound of billion-dollar settlements, demonstrating that banks -- and individual bank executives -- broke laws over and over in the run-up to the current crisis.
These mountains of prima facie evidence were ignored, and continue to be ignored, by the Obama/Holder Justice Department.
Now we've learned that all the banks knowingly defrauded regulators in a LIBOR scandal. All of them!
LIBOR is like one of those Agatha Christie novels where all the suspects did it.
9. "Ideologues" are getting in the way of "bipartisan" and "technocratic" solutions to our problems.
This is another fallacy -- one they've been using to sell unwise, unpopular, and unfair policies. It's usually attached to billionaire-funded corporate agendas like those of the "Simpson Bowles" plan, the Democratic group called Third Way, and the corporate CEOs of "Fix the Debt."
They always say their plan's been designed by "technocrats," but that "ideologues" and "divisiveness" are getting in the way.
But the so-called "ideologues" fighting austerity represent Americans in all walks of life, across the political spectrum. They also represent a growing consensus among most economists who aren't tied to right-wing institutions -- including Nobel Prize winners like Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz, and those who work for the IMF.
There's a word for the people who keep complaining that the "ideologues" are getting in their way: Lobbyists.
10. A "divided nation" elected a "divided government" through a democratic process.
No. Democrats won the presidency and the Senate by decisive margins, both state-by-state and in the popular vote. They even won a handsome victory in the House, but lost it because of sleazy GOP gerrymandering.
They won because they promised to defend Social Security and Medicare, and to tax earnings over $250,000. Now the President and Nancy Pelosi are pushing a plan that cuts Social Security, even though there's no evidence the Republicans are insisting that Social Security be part of the deal.
Think the election would have turned out this way if Obama and Pelosi had told the public what they'd be doing in December?
Republicans aren't speaking for half of a divided nation. And Democrats who don't live up to their campaign promises aren't honoring the small-"d" democratic process.
11. It's about politicians.
"Obamabots" vs. "Obama bashers": It's on. Again. But it's not about Obama -- or Bill and Hillary, or any other political leader. If you attach your hopes to them you're setting yourself up for a snow job, like Bill's huckstering of late for the Fix the Debt/Simpson/Bowles corporate austerity plan.
But the flip side -- hating or resenting them -- is a distraction, and it can eat away at the soul.
Politics is not a celebrity sport. Corporate interests understand that. They've gotten a lot of politicians to throw the game by throwing their money around, and even some of the better ones feel they'll lose if they don't compromise.
Sure, brave politicians can make a huge difference. (Thank you, Bernie Sanders. And Raul Grijalva. And Keith Ellison. And Jan Schakowsky. It's a long list, and we hope to add Elizabeth Warren and a couple more names to it soon.)
12. We're helpless.
Yes, it's a rigged game. Yes, our democracy's been tainted and compromised.
But mobilized action prevented the president from proposing Social Security cuts in his 2010 State of the Union speech. The Occupy movement changed Democratic political rhetoric, which changed poll numbers aand arguably changed the election results.
Some people say, So what? Look at what they're trying to do now. That's true -- about some of them. But we've gained leverage, and we should use it.
While we're developing new political leaders and institutions, we must stay mobilized for the struggles already underway: To protect Social Security and Medicare. To rein in Wall Street crime. To defend ripped-off homeowners and other mistreated corporate customers. To fight spending cuts and protect the vulnerable. To create jobs -- good jobs -- for every American who wants to work.
Difficult? Sure. Risk of failure? Definitely. But impossible?
That's a fallacy.
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Milking Parlor, 2012: Two people are needed to milk twice a day, 300 cows.
Freya Najade
Milking Robot I, 2012: One milking robot milks three times per day, 60 cows. The cows are in a stable, in which they can move around freely. They can use the robot whenever they need to. No human needs to be present.
Freya Najade
Lettuce, 2011: Lettuce is grown in a stacking system to provide a maximum use of space. Plants grow inside of plastic trays without soil. A conveyor belt is moving the plants to ensure they get all round sunlight. The whole growing process is computer controlled.
Freya Najade
Freya Najade
Tomatoes I, 2012: In order to have total control over the nutrients and the irrigation, tomatoes are planted in sterile material such as rock wool and not in soil. By doing so, the tomatoes are, according to the growers, less likely infected by diseases, a smaller amount of pesticide is needed and the yield can be increased.
Freya Najade
Tomatoes II, 2011: In order to consume locally grown tomatoes in ... the U.K. or Germany, the tomatoes need to be produced in heated greenhouses. ... To produce in more sustainable ways and to keep the cost of energy low, the greenhouse above is heated by the waste heat from a nearby nuclear power station.
Freya Najade
Apple Tree, 2011: Modern apple growers use apple varieties that are grafted onto Dwarfing Rootstocks. Developed at a research station in the U.K., these ... trees need less water and less space than traditional apple trees, which makes high density planting possible. The fruits are more accessible and easier to pick, because the trees are smaller.
Freya Najade
Eggplants, 2012: A computer manages precisely the irrigation, the nutrients given to the plants and also the climate inside the greenhouse. Automatically windows open, sunscreens move, and waste, water and nutrients are collected, purified, and recycled.
Freya Najade
Cress, 2011: Cress, tomatoes, cucumbers, or lettuce are grown in closed systems just with LED lights. There is no sunlight and no direct exchange of air with the outside. Day and night, summer and winter stop existing. Humans are able to determine the shape, taste and color of plants and fruits. They can be grown anywhere from the desert to inside of restaurants and supermarkets.
Freya Najade
Strawberries II, 2012: Strawberry crops are grown on tabletop-raised beds. The tabletop system makes it easier to pick the fruits and eases the weed and pest control. A leaf and sap analysis determines the nutrient's compound, which is fed with the irrigation water. To accelerate the growth of the plants, growers above add CO2 from a close-by Shell refinery.
Freya Najade
Mushrooms, 2012: To allow an all-year-round production of mushrooms and to increase the yield, mushrooms are grown in a microclimate inside growing rooms. A stacking system maximizes the production per square meter.
Freya Najade
Chicken, 2011: Since the mid-1990s the consumption of chicken has increased by 75 percent worldwide. Chicken are often reared in barns. One chicken barn has the capacity to rear 50,000 chickens.
Freya Najade
We all have an inkling of how our food is grown these days, but increasingly we don't really know what it looks like. You'd probably recognize a tomato plant or a cornfield ? but these photos offer a perspective that a lot of us haven't seen.
Photographer Freya Najade is exploring the age-old question of how humans harness nature ? a question as old as agriculture itself. But what she uniquely captures here is the latest chapter in the evolution of food production, in which technology ? in the form of robots and computers ? is the central character.
"It was a bit bizarre, observing cows milked by robots without any humans present," Najade writes from London, where she's based. Bizarre, she says, but not all bad:
"I have seen new technologies that allow, in certain aspects, a more environmentally friendly production. For instance, in a greenhouse in which waste, water and nutrients are collected, purified and recycled, the production becomes more environmentally friendly because less water and nutrients are needed."
The fact is there are just so many of us to feed. And it's going to take some real ingenuity to feed the billions more joining us ? even if that means growing lettuce under LED lights in a building in a desert. Though industrial-scale mushroom production is nothing new, in Najade's photos it looks a lot more like a science experiment than the romanticized agriculture of bucolic farms. But they're both, effectively, always a kind of experiment.
Who's making the decisions about how how we'll be growing the next generation of fruits and vegetables? I hope there's another photographer out there who wants to find out. For now, though, we have Najade, who's forcing us to ask, "Remember when humans actually milked cows?"
Maybe one day we'll be asking: "Remember cows?"
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Phil Furtado places candles on a burned city bus bench in Los Angeles on Thursday, Dec. 27,2012. Police arrested a man for allegedly setting a 67-year-old woman on fire who was sleeping on the bus stop bench. A witness said he saw a man come out of the store and pour something on the woman who had been sleeping on a bench before striking a match and setting her ablaze. The woman, who may be homeless, was taken to a hospital and listed in critical condition. (AP Photo/Greg Risling)
Phil Furtado places candles on a burned city bus bench in Los Angeles on Thursday, Dec. 27,2012. Police arrested a man for allegedly setting a 67-year-old woman on fire who was sleeping on the bus stop bench. A witness said he saw a man come out of the store and pour something on the woman who had been sleeping on a bench before striking a match and setting her ablaze. The woman, who may be homeless, was taken to a hospital and listed in critical condition. (AP Photo/Greg Risling)
A burned city bus bench seen in the Van Nuys section of Los Angeles on Thursday Dec. 27,2012 after police arrested a man for allegedly setting a 67-year-old woman on fire who was sleeping on the bus stop bench. Authorities said the man, who is in his 20s, was arrested early Thursday. Police said the attack occurred shortly after 1 a.m. outside a drug store. A witness said he saw a man come out of the store and pour something on the woman who had been sleeping on a bench before striking a match and setting her ablaze. The woman, who may be homeless, was taken to a hospital and listed in critical condition. (AP Photo/Greg Risling)
LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Police say the attack defies explanation: A man poured flammable liquid on a 67-year-old homeless woman as she slept on a bus bench in the San Fernando Valley, then lit a match and set her on fire.
A witness called 911, and police arrested 24-year-old Dennis Petillo a short time after the Thursday morning attack. He was booked for investigation of attempted murder and was held on $500,000 bail. It wasn't immediately known if he had retained an attorney.
The assailant "just poured it all over the old lady," the witness, Erickson Ipina, told reporters. "Then he threw the match on her and started running."
Police released no details on Petillo. The victim's name also was withheld.
LAPD Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese told the Los Angeles Times it was unclear whether attacker spoke to the woman before allegedly setting her ablaze.
"There was no incident or dispute or clear motivation for this horrific attack. He did not know his victim. It defies explanation," Albanese said. "He is not of sound mind. ... The motive is mental illness."
The woman was taken to a hospital, where she was listed in critical condition.
The attack shocked nearby residents, and later Thursday about a dozen people held vigil around the charred bench, urging motorists to honk their horns in support of homeless rights. One sign placed on the bench read, "Our Prayers to Violet," believed to be the victim's first name.
Tej Deol, 31, who resides at a nearby sober living house, said the woman made the bench her home and often could be found sleeping there after sundown. He said he saw her Christmas Eve, getting ready to eat some soup.
"I told her, 'Merry Christmas and happy New Year,' and she said she was doing good," Deol said. "She was so kind. She was happy to have someone talk to her."
Robert Wyneken, 75, who volunteers at a nearby church, called her the "sweetest lady on the street" who supported herself by recycling cans and didn't like to panhandle. He said there were efforts to get her housing and in contact with family, but she wouldn't have it.
"I just think she had something in her life where she wanted to be alone," he said. "She didn't want to be a burden to anybody."
Thursday's incident was at least the third in Los Angeles County since October where people were set on fire.
Last week, a 55-year-old man was seriously injured when he was set ablaze as he slept outside a doughnut shop in Norwalk. Two months earlier, Long Beach police said Jacob Timothy Lagarde, 27, allegedly threw a lit Molotov cocktail at a man who had been waiting for his father outside a store. Lagarde has since been charged with attempted murder and five other counts.
Los Angeles police are investigating whether Petillo might be tied to any other similar crimes, but at this point detectives don't believe he is, Cmdr. Andrew Smith said.
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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A homeless woman was in critical condition in a Los Angeles hospital after a man doused her with liquid accelerant and set her on fire as she slept on a bus bench, police said on Thursday. Officers arrested Dennis Petillo, 24, in connection with the early morning attack, and he has been booked in jail on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. The woman, whose name has not been released, was being treated at a local hospital with burns all over her body, said Los Angeles police Lieutenant Damian Gutierrez. ...
Shoppers walk past an H&M location, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012, in New York. This holiday season is shaping up to be the weakest since the country was in the middle of a deep recession in 2008. That not only shows that stores misread Americans' willingness to spend during this period of economic uncertainty. It also could indicate that the days of throngs of shoppers spending thousands of dollars willy nilly on holiday gifts may be long gone. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
Shoppers walk past an H&M location, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012, in New York. This holiday season is shaping up to be the weakest since the country was in the middle of a deep recession in 2008. That not only shows that stores misread Americans' willingness to spend during this period of economic uncertainty. It also could indicate that the days of throngs of shoppers spending thousands of dollars willy nilly on holiday gifts may be long gone. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
Shoppers navigate their way around Toys R Us in Times Square Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012, in New York. This holiday season is shaping up to be the weakest since the country was in the middle of a deep recession in 2008. That not only shows that stores misread Americans' willingness to spend during this period of economic uncertainty. It also could indicate that the days of throngs of shoppers spending thousands of dollars willy nilly on holiday gifts may be long gone. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
Shoppers navigate their way around Toys R Us in Times Square Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012, in New York. This holiday season is shaping up to be the weakest since the country was in the middle of a deep recession in 2008. That not only shows that stores misread Americans' willingness to spend during this period of economic uncertainty. It also could indicate that the days of throngs of shoppers spending thousands of dollars willy nilly on holiday gifts may be long gone. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
Shoppers navigate their way around Toys R Us in Times Square Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012, in New York. This holiday season is shaping up to be the weakest since the country was in the middle of a deep recession in 2008. That not only shows that stores misread Americans' willingness to spend during this period of economic uncertainty. It also could indicate that the days of throngs of shoppers spending thousands of dollars willy nilly on holiday gifts may be long gone. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
In this Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012, photo, a holiday shopper walks past a large Christmas tree at Fashion Island shopping center in Newport Beach, Calif. U.S. holiday retail sales this year are the weakest since 2008, after a shopping season disrupted by storms and rising uncertainty among consumers. A report out Tuesday that tracks spending, called MasterCard Advisors SpendingPulse, says holiday sales increased 0.7 percent. Analysts had expected sales to grow 3 to 4 percent. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)
Bargain-hungry Americans will need to go on a post-Christmas spending binge to salvage this holiday shopping season.
Despite the huge discounts and other incentives that stores offered leading up to Christmas, U.S. holiday sales so far this year have been the weakest since 2008, when the nation was in a deep recession.
So stores now are depending on the days after Christmas to make up lost ground: The final week of December can account for about 15 percent of the month's sales, and the day after Christmas is typically one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
Stores, which don't typically talk about their plans for sales and other promotions during the season, are known for offering discounts of up to 70 percent after the holiday. This year, they're hoping to lure more bargain hunters who held off on shopping because they wanted to get the best deals of the season.
The Macy's location in Herald Square in New York was bustling with shoppers on Wednesday. There were a variety of deals throughout the store: candy dispensers for 70 percent off, various men's clothes were "buy one get one free," belts for 50 percent off, a bin of ties for $9.99.
Ulises Guzman, 30, a social worker, was shopping in the store. He said he waited to shop until the final days before Christmas, knowing that the deals would get better as stores got more desperate. He said he was expecting discounts of at least 50 percent.
The strategy worked. He saw a coat he wanted at Banana Republic for $200 in the days before Christmas but decided to hold off on making a purchase; on Wednesday, he got it for $80.
"I'm not looking at anything that's original price," he said.
Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta was also crowded by midday on Wednesday. Laschonda Pitluck, 18, a student in Atlanta, was shopping after Christmas because she wanted to get the best deals. Last year she spent over $100 on gifts but this year she's keeping it under $50.
Pitluck said she found items for 50 percent off, including a hoodie and jeans for herself at American Eagle and a shirt at Urban Outfitters. She said she would have bought the clothes if they hadn't been 50 percent off.
"I wasn't looking for deals before Christmas," said Pitluck, who also bought boxers for her boyfriend.
The shopping rush after Christmas illustrates just how important holiday sales are. Consumer spending accounts for 70 percent of economic activity, and many retailers can make up to 40 percent of their annual revenue during the two-month holiday period at the end of the year.
So far, holiday sales of electronics, clothing, jewelry and home goods in the two months before Christmas increased 0.7 percent compared with last year, according to the MasterCard Advisors SpendingPulse report. SpendingPulse, which tracks spending, said that's the weakest holiday performance since 2008 when sales dropped sharply, although the company did not know by how much.
The SpendingPulse data released Tuesday, which captures sales from Oct. 28 through Dec. 24 across all payment methods, is the first major snapshot of holiday retail sales. A clearer picture will emerge next week as retailers like Macy's and Target report monthly sales.
In the run-up to Christmas, analysts blamed bad weather for putting a damper on shopping. In late October, Superstorm Sandy battered the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states, which account for 24 percent of U.S. retail sales. That, coupled with the presidential election, hurt sales during the first half of November.
Shopping picked up in the second half of November, but then the threat of the country falling off a "fiscal cliff" gained strength, throwing consumers off track once again. Lawmakers have yet to reach a deal that would prevent tax increases and government spending cuts set to take effect at the beginning of 2013. If the cuts and tax hikes kick in and stay in place for months, the Congressional Budget Office says the nation could fall back into recession.
Still, The National Retail Federation, the nation's largest retail trade group, said Wednesday the trade group is sticking to its forecast for sales in the November and December period to be up 4.1 percent to $586.1 billion this year. That's more than a percentage point lower than the growth in each of the past two years, and the smallest increase since 2009 when sales were up just 0.3 percent.
Kathy Grannis, a spokeswoman for the group, noted that the trade group's definition of holiday sales not only includes clothes and electronics, but also food and building supplies.
"Stores have a big week ahead, and it's still too early to know how the holiday season fared, at this point," she said.
Anderson reported from Atlanta and Choi reported from New York.
Ann D'Innocenzio in New York and Daniel Wagner in Washington contributed to this report.
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Being Alaskan?s we are a hardy bunch. Our pets are too. But do you know how to protect your furry friends when the temperature drops? During cold weather months, it?s always a good idea to take extra precautions when it comes to the well-being of your pets. Here are some guidelines for when the temperature drops:
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At Olduvai Gorge, where excavations helped to confirm Africa was the cradle of humanity, scientists now find the landscape once fluctuated rapidly, likely guiding early human evolution.
These findings suggest that key mental developments within the human lineage may have been linked with a highly variable environment, researchers added.
Olduvai Gorge is a ravine cut into the eastern margin of the Serengeti Plain in northern Tanzania that holds fossils of hominins ? members of the human lineage. Excavations at Olduvai Gorge by Louis and Mary Leakey in the mid-1950s helped to establish the African origin of humanity.
The Great Drying?
To learn more about the roots of humanity, scientists analyzed samples of leaf waxes preserved in lake sediments at Olduvai Gorge, identifying which plants dominated the local environment around 2 million years ago. This was about when Homo erectus, a direct ancestor of modern humans who used relatively advanced stone tools, appeared.
"We looked at leaf waxes, because they're tough, they survive well in the sediment," researcher Katherine Freeman, a biogeochemist at Pennsylvania State University, said in a statement.
After four years of work, the researchers focused on carbon isotopes ? atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons ? in the samples, which can reveal what plants reigned over an area. The grasses that dominate savannas engage in a kind of photosynthesis that involves both normal carbon-12 and heavier carbon-13, while trees and shrubs rely on a kind of photosynthesis that prefers carbon-12. (Atoms of carbon-12 each possess six neutrons, while atoms of carbon-13 have seven.)
Scientists had long thought Africa went through a period of gradually increasing dryness ? called the Great Drying ? over 3 million years, or perhaps one big change in climate that favored the expansion of grasslands across the continent, influencing human evolution. However, the new research instead revealed "strong evidence for dramatic ecosystem changes across the African savanna, in which open grassland landscapes transitioned to closed forests over just hundreds to several thousands of years," researcher Clayton Magill, a biogeochemist at Pennsylvania State University, told LiveScience. [Know Your Roots? Take Our Human Evolution Quiz]
The researchers discovered that Olduvai Gorge abruptly and routinely fluctuated between dry grasslands and damp forests about five or six times during a period of 200,000 years.
"I was surprised by the magnitude of changes and the rapid pace of the changes we found," Freeman told LiveScience. "There was a complete restructuring of the ecosystem from grassland to forest and back again, at least based on how we interpret the data. I've worked on carbon isotopes my whole career, and I've never seen anything like this before."
Losing water
The investigators also constructed a highly detailed record of water history in Olduvai Gorge by analyzing hydrogen isotope ratios in plant waxes and other compounds in nearby lake sediments. These findings support the carbon isotope data, suggesting the region experienced fluctuations in aridity, with dry periods dominated by grasslands and wet periods characterized by expanses of woody cover.
"The research points to the importance of water in an arid landscape like Africa," Magill said in a statement. "The plants are so intimately tied to the water that if you have water shortages, they usually lead to food insecurity."
The research team's statistical and mathematical models link the changes they see with other events at the time, such as alterations in the planet's movement. [50 Amazing Facts About Earth]
Science news from
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: As 2012 draws to a close, physicists are celebrating ? and being celebrated for ? the end of a quest to find a subatomic particle known as the Higgs boson.
"The orbit of the Earth around the sun slowly changes with time," Freeman said in statement. "These changes were tied to the local climate at Olduvai Gorge through changes in the monsoon system in Africa."
Earth's orbit around the sun can vary over time in a number of ways ? for instance, Earth's orbit around the sun can grow more or less circular over time, and Earth's axis of spin relative to the sun's equatorial plane can also tilt back and forth. This alters the amount of sunlight Earth receives, energy that drives Earth's atmosphere.
"Slight changes in the amount of sunshine changed the intensity of atmospheric circulation and the supply of water," Freeman said. "The rain patterns that drive the plant patterns follow this monsoon circulation. We found a correlation between changes in the environment and planetary movement."
The team also found links between changes at Olduvai Gorge and sea-surface temperatures in the tropics.
"We find complementary forcing mechanisms ? one is the way Earth orbits, and the other is variation in ocean temperatures surrounding Africa," Freeman said.
These findings now shed light on the environmental shifts the ancestors of modern humans might have had to adapt to in order to survive and thrive.
"Early humans went from having trees available to having only grasses available in just 10 to 100 generations, and their diets would have had to change in response," Magill said in a statement. "Changes in food availability, food type, or the way you get food can trigger evolutionary mechanisms to deal with those changes. The result can be increased brain size and cognition, changes in locomotion and even social changes ? how you interact with others in a group."
This variability in the environment coincided with a key period in human evolution, "when the genus Homo was first established and when there was first evidence of tool use," Magill said.
The researchers now hope to examine changes at Olduvai Gorge not just across time but space, which could help shed light on aspects of early human evolution such as foraging patterns.
Magill, Freeman and their colleague Gail Ashley detailed their findings online Dec. 24 in two papers in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook and Google+.
? 2012 All rights reserved.
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PRLog (Press Release) - Dec. 24, 2012 - Ever sat in a class, hoping the teacher won?t look at you, or even worse ask you a question in front of everybody. Have you been to a talk and really wanted to ask a question but didn?t just in case other people might be critical? How many possibly helpful things have you NOT done because you have avoided the situation.Avoiding everyday things we know we need to do is a sure sign of stress. When we stress out about doing something we know could be helpful, we will often behave as if the situation is much worse than it really is. Avoiding truly bad stuff is important to do, like walking around dangerous neighbourhoods after dark. But NOT having that difficult conversation at work or running that presentation could hold us back in life. Avoiding the everyday uncomfortable stuff is unhealthy and if you are doing this then you probably already know you need to do something about it.
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Last year I wrote two wish lists to Santa Claus, one with books I wanted for Christmas and one with cool gadgets. This year I?m focusing on the top five gadgets I would be ecstatic if Santa gave me. My wish list this year contains a mix of technical things covering all aspects of life, from entertainment, fun, and exercise to productivity. Here it is:
Today most of us have access to unlimited music on a wide range of devices. Personally I use Spotify, and I can listen to music on my computers, my iPad and mobile. At home I listen to music though our Sonos speakers, but I want to be able to listen to music wherever I am ? in our summer house, the backyard, in the hotel when on vacation ? literally wherever I am. So, to solve this I would be thrilled if Santa got me a set of AQ portable SmartSpeakers.
These speakers are literally wireless ? you don?t need any audio cables or power cables. This means that you can take them with you and place them wherever you are. The rechargeable battery can play for 10 hours before you need to plug it in for a recharge. You can send music to the speakers via a wide range of devices and applications. You can read the full specification here. I?m hoping I?ll be able to play my Christmas playlist on a pair of these when I go home to Sweden for the holiday.
Christmas is really a time for families to get together and play fun games. When I was a child we used to have Tetris competitions (I had the high score until my cousin hacked in to the high score list). Since you tend to eat a lot during Christmas I prefer games where you can move around and burn some calories. This year I?ve put the video game ?Just Dance 4? on my wish list. No matter if you have a Wii, a PlayStation or Xbox Kinect, you can enjoy this fun family game that?s all about dancing. Just follow the characters on the screen and copy their dance moves. Fun to play and fun to watch!
My husband and I both work a lot so we really cherish the moments when we?ve put the kids to bed and we can enjoy an evening in front of the TV. To get the most out of these evenings I would like a one year subscription of Netflix from Santa. This way we can easily browse popular TV shows and movies and watch them whenever we want.
After enjoying all that great food during the Christmas holiday I will most definitely have to work hard to get back in shape. Being a technology geek, I think it?s much more fun to exercise if I can track my efforts on my computer. That?s why I?ve added a Nike+ Fuelband to my wish list. The wrist band, which also works as a watch, measures your movement during the day ? whether you are walking, jogging, dancing, or running after your children. It calculates the number of calories you?ve consumed, how many steps you have taken and it also indicates with a red, yellow or green light how close you are to reaching the exercise goal you have set up for the day. It also measures ?Nike Fuel,? a unique metric which provides comparable data across different sports. All the stored results are synchronized to your PC or mobile using the built in USB-cable or via Bluetooth. You can then analyze your daily, weekly and monthly performance and if you are very proud of your achievements (or just brave and honest), you can share your results with friends via facebook, Twitter or Path.
With the launch of Microsoft Windows 8 there are a lot of new touch-screen enabled, sleek tablets entering the market. To easier be able to work from anywhere ? the coffee shop, the airplane, the bus stop, I want a Microsoft Surface from Santa. I?ve already written an entire blog post about Microsoft Surface so I won?t delve any deeper here. Since the version I want, Microsoft Surface with Windows 8 Pro, won?t be available until early in 2013, I can?t expect this package under the Christmas tree. But if Santa gives out vouchers, I want to add a $899 gift voucher to the Microsoft Store to my wish list so that I can get it online when it ships.
That sums up my top five gadgets for this Christmas. Whether you get what you wish for or not under the Christmas tree, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Remember that the best gifts in life are the ones that don?t put a hole in your pocket, like your children?s laughter and a hug from a loved one! Merry Christmas everyone!
(If you have difficulties reading this article, you can access the full article in pdf?here)
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FILE- Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at a media conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, in this file photo dated Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012. Lavrov said Saturday Dec. 22, 2012, that the Syrian government has consolidated its chemical weapons to safeguard the arsenal at one or two locations, and also revealed that Russia has military advisers in the country and have kept close watch over its chemical weapons. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)
FILE- Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at a media conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, in this file photo dated Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012. Lavrov said Saturday Dec. 22, 2012, that the Syrian government has consolidated its chemical weapons to safeguard the arsenal at one or two locations, and also revealed that Russia has military advisers in the country and have kept close watch over its chemical weapons. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)
A Syrian carries a revolution flag during a Friday protest in Aleppo, Syria, where young people and children sang songs against Bashar Assad and the Syrian regime, Friday, Dec. 21, 2012.(AP Photo/Virginie Nguyen Hoang)
MOSCOW (AP) ? Russia's foreign minister says Moscow would welcome any country's offer of a safe haven to Syrian President Bashar Assad, but underlined that Moscow itself has no intention of giving him shelter if he steps down.
Russia has repeatedly used its veto right along with China at the U.N. Security Council to protect its old ally from international sanctions, but it has increasingly sought to distance itself from Assad.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters late Friday that countries in the region he wouldn't name publicly had asked Russia to convey their offer of a safe passage to Assad. He said that Russia responded by telling them to go directly to Assad: "We replied: 'What do we have to do with it? If you have such plans, you go straight to him.'"
Asked if Moscow could offer a refuge to Assad, Lavrov responded that "Russia has publicly said that it doesn't invite President Assad."
"If there is anyone willing to provide him guarantees, they are welcome!" Lavrov told reporters on board a plane returning from Brussels where he attended a Russia-EU summit. "We would be the first to cross ourselves and say: "Thank God, the carnage is over! If it indeed ends the carnage, which is far from certain."
Lavrov also said the Syrian government has pulled its chemical weapons together to one or two locations from several arsenals across the country to keep them safe amid the rebel onslaught.
"According to the information we have, as well as the data of the U.S. and European special services, the government is doing everything to secure it," he said. "The Syrian government has concentrated the stockpiles in one or two centers, unlike the past when they were scattered across the country."
U.S. intelligence says the regime may be readying chemical weapons and could be desperate enough to use them. Both Israel and the U.S. have also expressed concerns they could fall into militant hands if the regime crumbles.
Lavrov gave no indication that Moscow could change its opposition to sanctions against Assad. He assailed the West for failing to persuade the opposition to sit down for peace talks with the government, saying that "the Syrian president's head is more important for them than saving human lives."
Lavrov added that U.N. peace envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, would visit Moscow for talks before the year's end.
He said that Moscow has also invited the revamped Syrian opposition leadership to visit.
"We are ready to honestly explain that the emphasis on a military solution and the dismantling of the state institutions is disastrous for the country," he said. "Listen, there will be no winner in this war."
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